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Formally incarcerated person teaches students how to learn from their failures and fears, writes workbook to provide lessons on self-development and success.
Lafayette, LA – September 29, 2020 – A new workbook from seasoned survivor of life’s traumatizing experiences, provides the blueprint to fixing one’s situation after life has lied to them, by learning from their trouble, sacrifice, and finding their strength.
Life Lies: the Cultivation of Sacrifice to Success from a Broken King’s Journey, ($11.95 Cheno Publishing, August 2020) author Cha-Chi Simmons expounds on over 40 years of hands-on personal suffering and growth to outline a workbook to covers topics such as reflecting on the dark places in life and learning from them, analyzing relationships with people how to avoid being hurt, looking into oneself and building their foundation, and making sense of the pain, confusion, and trauma in life.
This workbook not only helps one vent and let out your frustrations, but it gives one the strategies to guide that anger and learn from the tears and fears, remembering why those moments were necessary. These moments are the set up to success and in Life Lies, Cha-Chi speaks to readers to learn how to:
- Tell the difference between risk and opportunity
- Avoid dangerous relationships with people
- Create strategies and solutions to life’s lies
- Build your own foundation with the strengths you possess
The prison population is made up by about 40% black people in the United States, however the population of black people in America is only about 13%. This disproportionate number speaks volumes to our unjust criminal justice system, but we must take control of our lives before getting wrapped up in that world. We must do better for our children; nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who are detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially waived to criminal court. Its start now and it starts with us.
Cha-Chi Simmons is a community activist that educates and mentors youth, formally incarcerated people, and anyone else who may have lost their way, through the lessons that he has learned in life. As a former death-row inmate who survived the stigma of convicted felon, Cha-Chi leads by example for other instructors, community organizations, and especially children who have lost their childhood. Because he understands their pain and confusion, his promise and efforts to impact those in need will never cease.Life Lies: the Cultivation of Sacrifice to Success from a Broken King’s Journey, $11.95 paperback, $4.95 ebook, Available on Amazon, Kindle, Google, Apple and